mercoledì, agosto 30, 2006

taking a break..

workin' time. Too tired to get angry, too weak to get annoyed..

I don't feel like doing anything..

stare at the distance, glare at time passing by..


like that glimpse in the sky yesteday night..

dusk was shining and in my car music was playing.. I felt happy for a moment, running alone on a desert street.. I would have left on a highway for a long journey ..

.. but I'm still in my room, the wind is whistling outside.. clouds move towards the sea.. I have to work now..

3 commenti:

non necessariamente ha detto...

why don't you think seriously about beeing fucked in every hole by a big big dick?

fabilunablu ha detto...

it can be a really good idea.. are u having fun? I hope..

Anonimo ha detto...

questo avrebbe fatto parte del progetto di sterminio chiesto ad Hitler?
Think 'bout the revolution...